Dive Blog

Ulua Nudibranch Afternoon

After a morning dive in which I took no pictures as I let my dive buddy, Lynette, use an essential piece of my camera housing as she had forgot hers. So to make up for it, I did a 2nd dive solo and broke my single tank time record: 1 hour & 43 minutes on an aluminum 80 with an average depth of 29 feet (42 Max). Lots of time to take lots of pictures and spend time with each subject, so there are some photo series here. I will separate them out:

Whitemouth Moray Eel series

Shots taken with a Macro lens

Please appreciate the care needed in taking these pictures as I have to have my camera about 4 inches from the subject for focus; and holding on to my camera are my fingers, which I know from past experience eels can mistake for octopus tentacles. In fact the eel was not “letting me get close,” my fingers were essentially bait drawing it towards my camera. 😋

Kangaroo Nudibranch series

This is a single animal. I saw 6 of these nudis total on this dive, but this is the only series. Click through them fast and it’s a short time lapse.

All the rest

On this great dive I spotted 6 nudibranchs, a head-shield slug and a Frogfish, among other things.

White-margin Nudibranch

Trembling Nudibranch

Leaf Scorpionfish

Blue-margin Headshield Slug

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