Dive Blog

Ulua Beach

Ulua never disappoints. 2 Species I have not seen before today: Randall’s Puffer and Cloudy Goby. Both are said to be uncommon to be seen at scuba depths. So lucky me. 🙂

I also tried an experiment using only natural light, and setting white balance in camera. But I have to remind myself, as I have reminded others on several occasions, that once all the red and warm colors are filtered out by the water (below about 20 feet) no amount of white balancing or color correction can bring back the red and warm colors that were not there when you took the photo. The only way to bring those colors back is to bring your own light. So all of those natural light pictures I turned into black and whites, as they were monochromatic anyway.

Green Sea Turtle
Lined Sea Hare
Lined Sea Hare

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