Pictures are from today, video is from last weekend.
On the way back from the St Anthony last weekend, I found this tiny yet very lively antler coral head in the middle of the halimeda grass. Of course I did not have my camera, as it was the third dive of the day and the batteries were dead, so I just grabbed a GoPro with read filter. I got some video, but it is not great. I tried to find that spot again today, with my camera at the ready, but I failed. I did spend some time with an octopus and spotted an anemone I had never seen before: the Day Tube Anemone.
Teira Batfish and Pride of Lionfish
Teira Batfish at the Saint Anthony and a Pride of Lionfish
Teira Batfish and Pride of Lionfish
Teira Batfish at the Saint Anthony and a Pride of Lionfish
Teira Batfish and Pride of Lionfish
Teira Batfish at the Saint Anthony and a Pride of Lionfish