In diving, unlike in life, it is good to get hung up on the little things.
Another Ulua Sunset dive, well pre-sunset really.
Kangaroo Nudibranch
Knobby Sea Star with Shrimp
Leaf Scorpionfish
Hawaiian Green Lionfish (juvenile)
Banded Coal Shrimp
Banded Coal Shrimp
Hawaiian White-spotted Toby
Hawaiian White-spotted Toby
Hawaiian White-spotted Toby
Hawaiian White-spotted Toby
Spaghetti Worm
Christmas Tree Worm
Galactic Scorpionfish
Flame Wrasse (female) – Cirrhilabrus jordani
Hawaiian Domino Dmselfish (juvenile) in Slate Pencil Urchin
Wire Coral Goby
Crown of Thorns Starfish
Hawaiian White-spotted Toby