For our last day of diving, we went to The Boiler, a submerged seamount that is just off San Benedicto Island. This again is supposed to be the place for the giant Mantas, and it did not disappoint.


Dolphins with Diver

Dolphins with Diver

Dolphins with Diver

Bigeye Trevally

Black Manta

Black Manta

Diver with Black Manta

Black Mantas

Black Mantas

Chevron Manta

Chevron Manta

Chevron Manta

Chevron Manta

Chevron Manta

Chevron Manta

Chevron Manta

Chevron Manta Ray

Chevron Manta Ray

Chevron Manta Ray

Chevron Manta Ray

Chevron Manta Ray
For these dives I used the SportDiver housing with the 2500 and 5000+ lights.