First two-tank shore dive in the Mazda Miata MX-5 today. Tight fit.
Frustrated by my failed attempt to get to the St Anthony yesterday, I tried again today. And I found it, but it took a bit of searching again. It would be so much easier on a clear water day. Every attempt thus far the visibility has been 20-30 feet; So you don’t see the wreck until you are almost on top of it. You’ll see in the video. And I only shot video today, with the Micro 3.0 mounted to my scooter. No lights. I just used the Micro 3.0’s built-in digital red filter. It works pretty well actually. Not as good as lights, but much less hassle, and for shallow water can be fine. Well, I did take one photo… of a porcupinefish:

Now for the videos. There are two, one for each dive. The first dive, I entered at Mokapu beach and skirted Mokapu reef and then out to the tires and the wreck, and then to Ulua reef and exit at Ulua beach. The second dive I just cruised around Ulua reef.
Today I used the Micro 3.0 camera with wide angle dome lens and internal digital red filter (no lights), mounted on my Scubajet scooter.