Palau: Arrival and Dive Day 1
Another trip that had been on my bucket list …
Palau: Aggressor Dive Day 1
Hafa A'dai Wreck Ocellated Sea Cucumber – Bohadschia ocellataLobed …
Palau: Aggressor Dive Day 2
Sandy Paradise Saddleback ButterflyfishTwo-Spined Angelfish – Centropyge bispinosaFlagtail Grouper …
Palau: Aggressor Dive Day 3, June 12, 2024
German Channel Broadclub Cuttlefish – Sepia latimanusBroadclub Cuttlefish – …
Palau: Aggressor Dive Day 4, June 13, 2024
Peleliu Corner #1 Diver in school of fish scenic …
Palau: Aggressor Dive Day 5 & 6, June 14 & 15
German Channel Saravasti Anemone ShrimpAnemone macroArgus Sea Cucumber – …
Palau: Fish&Fins Dive Day June 17
Shark City (but the sharks have moved to the …
Palau: Fish&Fins Dive Day June 18
Shark City Feather StarGolden DamselfishSplitlevel Hogfish – Bodianus mesothorax …
Palau: Fish&Fins Dive Day June 19
Chuyo Maru Crocodile Flathead – Cymbacephalus beaufortiCrocodile Flathead – …
Palau Video
Palau Diving June 2024360 Video of diving in Palau, …