Category: Palau

Chuyo Maru Ulong Channel (incoming tide)

Shark City Blue Hole Blue Corner

Shark City (but the sharks have moved to the suburbs) Ulong Channel Buoy 6 (now 10)

German Channel Fern’s Wall Ngerchong Outside Chandelier Cave

Peleliu Corner #1 Peleliu Corner #2 Orange Beach Coral Garden West Wall Big Drop off

German Channel Blue Corner Blue Holes Big Drop Off Turtle Cove

Sandy Paradise New Drop Off Turtle Cove Ngedebus Coral Garden

Hafa A’dai Wreck Iro Maru Wreck Siae’s Corner Ulong Channel

Another trip that had been on my bucket list for a long time is now complete. It was absolutely amazing. I did 36 dives over 10 days with Fish & Fins Palau and the Palau Aggressor II. Both operations were fantastic in their respective ways. Aggressor offered its usual full service expedition, and the staff […]