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Ulua Night

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Ulua: Kim’s B’ay Dive

And all she wanted was an octopus, and she got it.

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Black Rock Night Dive: OMFG!

I was once told that diving in the Philippines would ruin diving in Hawaii. Well, I wholeheartedly disagree! Last night’s dive at Black Rock off Ka’anapali was absolutely spectacular. We, Donna and I, saw several species I had not seen/photographed before, and there was just life everywhere. Plus we got visited repeatedly by a teenage […]

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Ulua x 2: Sunset and Morning dives

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Ulua Monday Night Dive

Gotta love a night dive! New critters spotted tonight: Common Box Crab, Hairy Elbow Crab (won’t see it in the picture, too camouflaged, so I outlined it in a duplicate photo, and provided a video of it moving in case you still don’t believe there was a crab in that picture), and Shortjaw Bonefish (could […]

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Ulua Sunday

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Makena Saturday

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Makena Sunset Nudibranchs

And the first time I’ve seen a turtle with tumors in a long time.

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Ulua x 2

I did a couple more dives at Ulua yesterday. First one with Daniel and Donna, 2nd just me.

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Back to Ulua

It is my on call weekend, which means I have to be close to home and computer until 2:00pm. So at 2:01pm, I loaded my gear, went to get a tank and was in the water by 3:00. It will be the same tomorrow. Good things about afternoon dives: easy parking and no other divers. […]

Dive Blog Niihau Trips

Niihau Dives Day 5 (and last)

For the final Niihau dive day, I went with Explore Kauai Scuba’s 6 pack boat. The company is owned and operated by Nick and Jessie, and it was by far the best charter to Niihau; it was the shortest trip, due to leaving out of Waimea’s harbor, and it Wass the most relaxed trip. Diving […]

Dive Blog Niihau Trips

Niihau Dives Day 4

With Sea Sports Divers again. Dive sites: Vertical Awareness, Anthony’s Okole, and Pyramid Point.

Dive Blog Niihau Trips

Koloa Landing and Niihau Dives Day 3

I did a solo shore divest Koloa Landing between Niihau days. Then the 3rd Niihau dive day was once again with Fathom Five Divers 6-pack boat. Dive sites were: Neon Cave, Vertical Awareness, and Pyramid Point.

Dive Blog Niihau Trips

Niihau Dives Day 2

2nd dive day at Niihau, this time with Sea Sports Divers. The dives were Vertical Awareness, Niihau Arches, and Neon Cave to Pyramid Point drift.

Dive Blog Niihau Trips

Niihau Dives Day 1

Finally, after 30 years in Hawaii, I am doing the Niihau dives off Lehua Rock. Since the crossing to Niihau is often not doable, I booked 5 charters with 3 different companies in the hopes of getting there at least once. We made it all 5 trips! And it was truly awe inspiring! Monk seals […]

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Makena Again

Great dive with Donna today! Water was calm, and clearing up nicely. Though the cave with the shark was stirred by by previous divers. 🙁

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Makena Pau Hana Dive

Finished my last work day for a week and a day, off work until Sept. 10, so had to do a pau hana dive. My camera died (didn’t get fully charged for some reason) with when I found 2 Polygon Pleurobranch’s that I had never seen before. Most of my time I spent trying too […]

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Another Pre-storm Ulua Dive

Still nice, but surf and wind were rising fast when I got out of the water.

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Pre-storm Pau Hana Ulua Afternoon Dive

‘Nuff said.

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Ulua Eagle Rays

Back to Ulua and greeted by 2 Spotted Eagle;e Rays!

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Ulua Octopus

Hung out with an octopus for quite a while when it was hunting. Love it!

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Kahekili & Ulua Beach

2 dives today; 1st dive with Lynette at Kahekili, aka Airport, Beach. 2nd by myself at Ulua. 2 new to me species today: the Hawaiian Longfin Anthias (got photo, not great) and the Blue Swallowtail Slug (did not get picture as I did not have macro lens on that dive).

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Makena Landing

I went out looking for a Snow-godess Nudibranch because I wanted to try my new light on it, and I found it and got a decent shot. 🙂

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Ulua (new light)

Today I was trying out a new light with snoot for macro. I like the new light, but need to work on using the snoot more as it adds an extra complication in setting up a shot.

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Back to Ulua

South swell was still up today, but I decided to brave Ulua because I just find cooler critters there. Visibility on the inside was 5-15 feet, but got up to about 30 to 40 feet towards the end of the outer reef. There was still a lot of surge, however, even in 50 feet of […]