Ulua: Breakfast With a Monk Seal

First time seeing a turtle at the St. Anthony since I started up diving again in 2022. And from what I heard, they had been absent from there for a few years prior as well. Was a time where there were always 4-10 turtles on the St. Anthony. Maybe that time will return?
Spotted a rare fish out in the Michelin reef by the St Anthony: a Spotted Knifejaw. Only other time I saw one was in Niihau when pointed out by the dive guide, but I could not get a decent picture. Today’s Knifejaw was very cooperative, thankfully.
Some fish to look at while listening to the whale song…
After work, I decided last minute to go on my usual Ulua dive, which at this time of year I like to go beyond the reef and hang out in 50-60 feet of water and see what might swim by (whales are the hope). Today, it paid off as a mid-sized Humpback Whale cruised by […]
Went with Island Style Diving today. T’was a nice relaxing day with nice relaxing dives.
My niece Sonia is visiting from Spain, so I signed her up for an introductory dive. We did two dives at Ulua and she did fantastic! Thanks to the excellent instruction and guidance of Andie Cox with Maui Dreams Dive Co.
The non-molo Holo Holo Dive Day went to Triple Anchors and Z-Blocks today. Some new sightings for me, or newly photographed, noted by having the scientific name in the caption.
Only south facing shores dividable today, so the Pond it is!
Dove with nudibranch nerd Rebecca today. Very fun! Learning all the nudi lore. And 4 new species seen/photographed today! New species have the scientific as well as common name in the caption.