Dive Blog

Back to Ulua

South swell was still up today, but I decided to brave Ulua because I just find cooler critters there. Visibility on the inside was 5-15 feet, but got up to about 30 to 40 feet towards the end of the outer reef. There was still a lot of surge, however, even in 50 feet of water, making the photography very difficult.

That said, I sighted and tried to get a picture of a species of angelfish I have not ever seen (or heard of) before: the Fisher’s Angelfish (Centropyge fisheri). Similar to the Potter’s Angelfish (one of my favorite fish) they are very skittish and hide in the reef so not often seen but they are far rarer than the common Potter’s Angelfish. Apparently if the Fisher’s Angelfish can’t find a mate, they will mate with the Potter’s Angelfish and create a hybrid. Fish are so cool!

Also found a Harlequin Shrimp that did a little Tai Chi session for me.

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