Dive Blog

Molokini Back Wall and Pu’u Olai (Red Hill) 6-25-2023

Shoreline was blown out yesterday for diving due to some big surf, so I went out on the Maui Diamond II again. Always a good time. Got lots of pictures of critters I either had never seen before or never got a picture of before, like the Flagtail Tilefish or the Redspotted Sandperch, so that […]

Dive Blog

Anuddah Ulua 6-23-2023

Just a couple of pics. GoPro HERO 11 with Wide angle dome lens (for the record, not a winning combo for pictures, fine for video) and 5000+ light.

Dive Blog

Endemic Fish of Hawaii Specialty Class

Today, my dear friend Irene and I joined Maddy from Maui Dreams Dive Company for her Endemic Fish of Hawaii specialty certification class. And it was AWESOME!!!! We did two dives at Ulua Beach, which if you follow this blog you know I dive at a lot. Maddy found some critters I had not seen […]

Dive Blog

Ulua Friday Pau Hana

Itching to get in the water after a full, hard work week, I picked up a tank after work today and just shot down to Ulua Beach again. Conditions were nice and found some cool small stuff.

Dive Blog

Makena Landing

Another dive testing the new scooters. I think I now have the kinks worked out and they are fantastic. I got a solid 50 minutes of constant use before one of the units ran out of power. The other likely lasted longer because it kept turning itself off. This was the issue I have been […]

Dive Blog

Ulua Reef

Quick dive on Ulua reef to play around with the new scooter again.

Dive Blog

Ulua Reef

Back to Ulua, this time to try out my new tank mounted Lefeet S1 Pro dual scooter. I love this thing! All I have in my hand is a small trigger controller, which I can bungee to my BC and use the bungee to lock it on as well; which leaves me totally hands free […]

HI-AK Cruise Trips

Hawaii to Alaska Cruise

So my wife, Rosa, finally got me to go on a cruise. I had always wanted to do the Alaska Inside Passage cruise including Glacier Bay, so my wife, who likes the long sea crossings, convinced me to do this cruise where we spend 4 days around Hawaii, then 5 days crossing to Alaska, then […]

Dive Blog

Golden Arches & Pu’u Olai (Red Hill) 5-28-2023

No, of course not those Golden Arches. These arches are in La Perouse Bay, Makena, Maui, a dive site I have never been to. I mean, I have dove La Perouse Bay, but that is a big bay, really 3 bays, but I have not dived that particular site. I went out with Maui Diamond […]

Dive Blog

Mala Ramp (Shore) 5-27-2023

I actually had a dive buddy today. Lynette and I went to Mala ramp in Lahaina as Lynette has never dived there. I only did it from the shore once before, a couple of years ago, and it is a difficult entry and exit because you have to walk over shallow reef that is only […]

Dive Blog

Makena Landing Night Dive 5-20-2023

After my night dive experiences in Kona (to be blogged later), I got the bug to do a solo night dive, so off to Makena Landing as I have never done a night dive there. I took pictures and videos with the GoPro Hero 11, with Flip +Close-up and +15 Macromate lenses, handholding both the […]

Dive Blog

Kailua-Kona dive trip: 5-11 to 5-13-2023

With 4 days between my return from “the cruise” and back to work day, I decided to go to Kailua-Kona, HI, to do the dives I had been wanting to do: the blackwater dive and the manta ray night dive. But I also figured I may as well dive during the day as well when […]

Dive Blog

Molokini Backwall 4-22-2023

I have some catching up to do. I did a double backwall dive at Molokini a couple of days before leaving on “the cruise.” (Will be blogging about “the cruise” later.) I only took my insta360 camera and only on the first dive since it got left on and the battery died. The only interesting […]

Dive Blog

Black Rock & Keawakapu

I drove up to Lahaina today for a nostalgia dive at Black Rock. When I first moved to Maui and was teaching SCUBA and living on the west side, Black Rock was my favorite close, easy access shore dive. However, it is no longer easy access. There used to be a parking lot right by […]

Dive Blog

Triple Anchors and Helldiver

I saw that the Maui Diamond II was going to these 2 unusual sites (as in they don’t schedule trips to them very often and I have never dove them), so I skipped work and booked a dive boat trip. As for the sites, Triple Anchors consists of, as the name suggests, 3 very large, […]

Dive Blog

Ulua Reef Dive in 360

The title pretty much says it. On this day I only took the Insta360 X3 camera and filmed my dive on Ulua Reef in 360. No quite as dramatic as the caverns in 360 in the Makena Landing 360 video (which freaked my wife out), but I did get some cool footage. See what you […]

Dive Blog

Makena Landing April 1 & 8 in 360

Combining 2 dives into one blog post since I did not take too many usable pictures. I am experimenting with using a GoPro HERO 11, using red filters instead of lights when possible. And also shooting 360 underwater footage with an Insta360 x3. I am thinking of maybe switching my focus to shooting video rather […]

Dive Blog

St Anthony from Mokapu to Ulua

First two-tank shore dive in the Mazda Miata MX-5 today. Tight fit. Frustrated by my failed attempt to get to the St Anthony yesterday, I tried again today. And I found it, but it took a bit of searching again. It would be so much easier on a clear water day. Every attempt thus far […]

Dive Blog

Mokapu and Ulua

Today I just wanted to get wet and spend as much time underwater on one dive as I could. And I got my SAC (Surface air consumption) down to .43 cu. ft./min. So my plan was just to cruise with the scooter, try to make it to the St. Anthony again, don’t worry about pictures, […]

Dive Blog

Lana’i Double Cathedrals

Went out with the Maui Diamond II again this weekend, this time to Lana’i where we had the rare pleasure of diving 1st Cathedrals followed by the sequel: 2nd Cathedrals. Just like the first, but with different twists and turns. SportDiver housing, iPhone 14 Pro, SeaDragon 2500 and 5000+ lights, etc., etc.

Dive Blog

Molokini Clearwater Revival

I decided to go on a boat dive to Molokini today at the last minute (booked it yesterday) because I was jonesin’ for some crystal clear water, and the shoreline was mucked up again due to heavy rains and swell. Molokini did not disappoint, I am glad to say! I went out with Maui Dreams […]

Dive Blog

St Anthony March 5, 2023

Another attempt to make it to the St Anthony wreck from shore, this time from Mokapu Beach. I still need to nail down the best heading; I found the wreck but I had to search for it a bit once I found the tire field. Much better fish populations here than on Ulua Reef. Also […]

Dive Blog

Makena Landing – March 4, 2023

Decided to go on a late afternoon, pre-sunset dive at Makena Landing to get some bottom time this weekend. Had a nice long hour and ten minute dive, and the whales were singing their asses off! SportDiver Housing with 2500 and 5000+ lights.

Dive Blog

Ulua Beach – March 2, 2023

Just did a quick after work dive to Ulua Beach, mainly to try out some new gear configurations, but I did spot two unusual animals: the Jeweled Anemone Crab and a Knobby Sea Star. I used the Micro3.0 camera with wide angle dome lens and the SeaDragon 5000+ light handheld.

Dive Blog Socorro Trips

Cabo san Lucas – Whale’s Head and North Wall – Feb 23, 2023

Back in Cabo san Lucas with a day to kill, so I might as well dive again. If you are not a partier, there is nothing to do here on land but eat and sleep, best I can tell. So I went out with SeeCreatures again, the sister company for the Nautilus live aboard company. […]