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Ulua Octopus

Hung out with an octopus for quite a while when it was hunting. Love it!

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Kahekili & Ulua Beach

2 dives today; 1st dive with Lynette at Kahekili, aka Airport, Beach. 2nd by myself at Ulua. 2 new to me species today: the Hawaiian Longfin Anthias (got photo, not great) and the Blue Swallowtail Slug (did not get picture as I did not have macro lens on that dive).

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Makena Landing

I went out looking for a Snow-godess Nudibranch because I wanted to try my new light on it, and I found it and got a decent shot. 🙂

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Ulua (new light)

Today I was trying out a new light with snoot for macro. I like the new light, but need to work on using the snoot more as it adds an extra complication in setting up a shot.

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Back to Ulua

South swell was still up today, but I decided to brave Ulua because I just find cooler critters there. Visibility on the inside was 5-15 feet, but got up to about 30 to 40 feet towards the end of the outer reef. There was still a lot of surge, however, even in 50 feet of […]

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Kahekili Beach

South swell stirred things up on my side of the island, so I went to the west side and dove Kahekili Beach, aka Airport Beach (there’s no airport there anymore). Conditions were good, but there was not a whole lot to see/photograph. However if you were concerned, as I was, about the low numbers of […]

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Molokini Back Wall

Great day at Molokini with Island Style Diving. The owners, Javier and Christina, were at the helm today and they did a great job. Christina led the group I was in and she is great and always finds the cool stuff. The Naso Tangs seemed to be in some mating battles:

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Ulua Sunset

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Ulua Beach

Ulua never disappoints. 2 Species I have not seen before today: Randall’s Puffer and Cloudy Goby. Both are said to be uncommon to be seen at scuba depths. So lucky me. 🙂 I also tried an experiment using only natural light, and setting white balance in camera. But I have to remind myself, as I […]

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Makena Landing

Dive Blog Palau Trips

Palau Video

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It was very surgy and low visibility today, so not may pictures.

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Ulua Sunset

Gotta love Ulua at sunset for macro

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Another Ulua Afternoon Nudibranch hunt

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Ulua Nudibranch Afternoon

After a morning dive in which I took no pictures as I let my dive buddy, Lynette, use an essential piece of my camera housing as she had forgot hers. So to make up for it, I did a 2nd dive solo and broke my single tank time record: 1 hour & 43 minutes on […]

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Polo & Ulua

Dive Blog Palau Trips

Palau: Fish&Fins Dive Day June 19

Chuyo Maru Ulong Channel (incoming tide)

Dive Blog Palau Trips

Palau: Fish&Fins Dive Day June 18

Shark City Blue Hole Blue Corner

Dive Blog Palau Trips

Palau: Fish&Fins Dive Day June 17

Shark City (but the sharks have moved to the suburbs) Ulong Channel Buoy 6 (now 10)

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Makena Landing x 2

Went on a sea horse hunt, but came up empty. Found some other nice critters though.

Dive Blog Palau Trips

Palau: Aggressor Dive Day 5 & 6, June 14 & 15

German Channel Fern’s Wall Ngerchong Outside Chandelier Cave

Dive Blog Palau Trips

Palau: Aggressor Dive Day 4, June 13, 2024

Peleliu Corner #1 Peleliu Corner #2 Orange Beach Coral Garden West Wall Big Drop off

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85’s & Wailea Point

Out with Island Style Diving of their “Advanced” diving day, but it wasn’t really “advanced.” Fun anyway and the crew is always great.

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Mala Ramp & Olowalu

I joined my friend Jenna and her twin 11 year old daughters and her father on Maui Pacific Divers and took photos for them. I am only going to post the marine life pictures here as I will leave it to Jenna to decide which portraits they want to make public. Anyway, it was a […]

Dive Blog Palau Trips

Palau: Aggressor Dive Day 3, June 12, 2024

German Channel Blue Corner Blue Holes Big Drop Off Turtle Cove