Dive Blog

Back to Ulua

It is my on call weekend, which means I have to be close to home and computer until 2:00pm. So at 2:01pm, I loaded my gear, went to get a tank and was in the water by 3:00. It will be the same tomorrow. Good things about afternoon dives: easy parking and no other divers.

Today I decided to do a random day, which is where I just pick a random heading and head out over the sand/halimeda fields and see what I run into.

Today I found an “empty” triton’s trumpet shell that had a whole civilization inside. Ok, I exaggerate, but there were several Hermit Crabs living in the large trumpet shell, along with juvenile domino damselfishes, banded coral shrimp, and juvenile whitemargin unicornfish.

Then I found another lawn chair I had not seen before. It had several galactic scorpionfish and a small white-ish devil scorpionfish the likes of which I had never seen before.

So another great dive at Ulua.

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