Ulua Afternoon

First dive at Kealia Pond with Donna. My mission was to find a sea horse, but that failed. We did, however get encircled by a school of Bluefin Trevally which was very cool. Second dive was at Ulua. My mission was to find the Elegant Sap-sucking Slug again to get better pictures. That was a […]
Found the deep reef in 110 feet today that I had been meaning to get to. There was a nice spot with bigger than normal fish populations for Maui these days. It was refreshing. As it was an exploratory dive, I wanted to travel light since as I had two scooters; so I only took […]
And all she wanted was an octopus, and she got it.
I was once told that diving in the Philippines would ruin diving in Hawaii. Well, I wholeheartedly disagree! Last night’s dive at Black Rock off Ka’anapali was absolutely spectacular. We, Donna and I, saw several species I had not seen/photographed before, and there was just life everywhere. Plus we got visited repeatedly by a teenage […]
Gotta love a night dive! New critters spotted tonight: Common Box Crab, Hairy Elbow Crab (won’t see it in the picture, too camouflaged, so I outlined it in a duplicate photo, and provided a video of it moving in case you still don’t believe there was a crab in that picture), and Shortjaw Bonefish (could […]