Dive Blog

Ulua x 2

I did a couple more dives at Ulua yesterday. First one with Daniel and Donna, 2nd just me.

Dive Blog

Back to Ulua

It is my on call weekend, which means I have to be close to home and computer until 2:00pm. So at 2:01pm, I loaded my gear, went to get a tank and was in the water by 3:00. It will be the same tomorrow. Good things about afternoon dives: easy parking and no other divers. […]

Dive Blog

Niihau Dives Day 5 (and last)

For the final Niihau dive day, I went with Explore Kauai Scuba’s 6 pack boat. The company is owned and operated by Nick and Jessie, and it was by far the best charter to Niihau; it was the shortest trip, due to leaving out of Waimea’s harbor, and it Wass the most relaxed trip. Diving […]

Dive Blog

Niihau Dives Day 4

With Sea Sports Divers again. Dive sites: Vertical Awareness, Anthony’s Okole, and Pyramid Point.

Dive Blog

Koloa Landing and Niihau Dives Day 3

I did a solo shore divest Koloa Landing between Niihau days. Then the 3rd Niihau dive day was once again with Fathom Five Divers 6-pack boat. Dive sites were: Neon Cave, Vertical Awareness, and Pyramid Point.

Dive Blog

Niihau Dives Day 2

2nd dive day at Niihau, this time with Sea Sports Divers. The dives were Vertical Awareness, Niihau Arches, and Neon Cave to Pyramid Point drift.

Dive Blog

Niihau Dives Day 1

Finally, after 30 years in Hawaii, I am doing the Niihau dives off Lehua Rock. Since the crossing to Niihau is often not doable, I booked 5 charters with 3 different companies in the hopes of getting there at least once. We made it all 5 trips! And it was truly awe inspiring! Monk seals […]