Dive Blog

Makena Again

Great dive with Donna today! Water was calm, and clearing up nicely. Though the cave with the shark was stirred by by previous divers. 🙁

Dive Blog

Makena Pau Hana Dive

Finished my last work day for a week and a day, off work until Sept. 10, so had to do a pau hana dive. My camera died (didn’t get fully charged for some reason) with when I found 2 Polygon Pleurobranch’s that I had never seen before. Most of my time I spent trying too […]

Dive Blog

Another Pre-storm Ulua Dive

Still nice, but surf and wind were rising fast when I got out of the water.

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Pre-storm Pau Hana Ulua Afternoon Dive

‘Nuff said.

Dive Blog

Ulua Eagle Rays

Back to Ulua and greeted by 2 Spotted Eagle;e Rays!

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Ulua Octopus

Hung out with an octopus for quite a while when it was hunting. Love it!

Dive Blog

Kahekili & Ulua Beach

2 dives today; 1st dive with Lynette at Kahekili, aka Airport, Beach. 2nd by myself at Ulua. 2 new to me species today: the Hawaiian Longfin Anthias (got photo, not great) and the Blue Swallowtail Slug (did not get picture as I did not have macro lens on that dive).

Dive Blog

Makena Landing

I went out looking for a Snow-godess Nudibranch because I wanted to try my new light on it, and I found it and got a decent shot. 🙂

Dive Blog

Ulua (new light)

Today I was trying out a new light with snoot for macro. I like the new light, but need to work on using the snoot more as it adds an extra complication in setting up a shot.

Dive Blog

Back to Ulua

South swell was still up today, but I decided to brave Ulua because I just find cooler critters there. Visibility on the inside was 5-15 feet, but got up to about 30 to 40 feet towards the end of the outer reef. There was still a lot of surge, however, even in 50 feet of […]

Dive Blog

Kahekili Beach

South swell stirred things up on my side of the island, so I went to the west side and dove Kahekili Beach, aka Airport Beach (there’s no airport there anymore). Conditions were good, but there was not a whole lot to see/photograph. However if you were concerned, as I was, about the low numbers of […]