Went on a sea horse hunt, but came up empty. Found some other nice critters though.
Makena Landing x 2

Went on a sea horse hunt, but came up empty. Found some other nice critters though.
German Channel Fern’s Wall Ngerchong Outside Chandelier Cave
Peleliu Corner #1 Peleliu Corner #2 Orange Beach Coral Garden West Wall Big Drop off
Out with Island Style Diving of their “Advanced” diving day, but it wasn’t really “advanced.” Fun anyway and the crew is always great.
I joined my friend Jenna and her twin 11 year old daughters and her father on Maui Pacific Divers and took photos for them. I am only going to post the marine life pictures here as I will leave it to Jenna to decide which portraits they want to make public. Anyway, it was a […]
German Channel Blue Corner Blue Holes Big Drop Off Turtle Cove
Sandy Paradise New Drop Off Turtle Cove Ngedebus Coral Garden
Hafa A’dai Wreck Iro Maru Wreck Siae’s Corner Ulong Channel
Another trip that had been on my bucket list for a long time is now complete. It was absolutely amazing. I did 36 dives over 10 days with Fish & Fins Palau and the Palau Aggressor II. Both operations were fantastic in their respective ways. Aggressor offered its usual full service expedition, and the staff […]
I just uploaded a 10 minute 360 video to YouTube called “360 Maui Reef Scenes.” Basically a collection of 360 footage I took over 5 dives with the new Insta360 X4 8K 360 camera. Best viewed with a VR headset while seated in a swivel chair. Otherwise you can scroll around the 360 view with […]
At Ulua. Dive 1 went out to the St Anthony but only took 360 video (to be edited), dive 2 went out to Anthias Rock. Tomorrow is packing day, and Thursday it’s Honolulu > Guam > Palau. I board the Palau Aggressor on June 9th and return on the 16th. Before and after I will […]
Makena Landing again. Hoping to find the weight pocket I lost last dive. 🙂