Another Lined Butterflyfish! But this one was more cooperative.
Makena Landing

Another Lined Butterflyfish! But this one was more cooperative.
Another day of incredible visibility off the shore. Makes wide angle photography so much easier. I include the Lined Butterflyfish shot not because it is a good shot (it isn’t) but because it is the first time I have seen one in Hawaii. There only other time was in Fiji ~ 23 years ago. They […]
Went to Mala Ramp in Lahaina Town today. It was an epic day with perfect visibility and more turtles than I have ever seen on one dive. I was joined by my Friend Kim, so lots of portraits. Also throwing in a couple from yesterday’s dive:
With a big south swell, all of the shoreline dive sites are brown, murky water with risky entrance and exit due to big waves. So taking a boat to Molokini was the only diving game in town this weekend, so I availed myself both days. Saturday: Sunday:
To my pleasant surprise, I woke up this morning to fair weather. I was expecting my boat trip with Island Style Diving to be cancelled due to the storm we had been hearing about. Fortunately it never materialized. They did however change destination to Molokini from the intended Carthaginian due to high risk of lousy […]
Another day of awesome conditions at Makena Landing. Some good critter finds, and some good luck shooting smaller critters with a wide angle lens.
Near perfect conditions today. 2 relaxing dives. And broke my personal record for longest dive on a single tank: 100 minutes.
Dive Maui in Lahaina just started operating this week, only going out Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I decided it was my patriotic duty to take the day off work (a terrible hardship for me), buy a seat on Dive Maui’s excellent rigid-hull inflatable dive boat, and labor to do a couple of dives. What I […]