Ulua 4-28-2024

It’s been a couple years since I dove here, so just did some exploring. Mix of macro and normal shots.
Ok, so I think I finally found my extreme close-up lens and settings. Finally getting the kind of results I want on the smaller critters. Had to take the lens off for the Frogfish; he wouldn’t let me get close enough to get a macro eye shot. I also saw a Monk Seal on […]
Reading the following article from Mother Jones.com got me thinking about this*:https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/04/minority-rule-is-threatening-american-democracy-like-never-before/ If you want to have an intelligent discussion about what sort of government was intended by the founding fathers, the first thing you have to do is understand what was meant by “the People.” There was actually disagreement about that, and many concessions […]
A couple of interesting moments on today’s dive: a huge school of Ringtail Surgeonfish descended on the St Anthony, circled it once, and left, and then on the way back to shore I find a huge Triton’s Trumpet shell that had a Barred Moray Eel, a couple of Coral Banded Shrimps, and a Jeweled Anemone […]
As Murphy dictates, bring a wide-angle lens and only find small subjects. Oh well, have cropping tool and not afraid to use it.
In diving, unlike in life, it is good to get hung up on the little things. Another Ulua Sunset dive, well pre-sunset really.
It’s the goto nowadays and is always fruitful for cool critters. Saw a nudibranch I have yet to identify. Maybe another first sighting in Hawaii! I’ll update this post when I find out. For now, it’s “? Nudibranch”.