Dive Blog

Ulua and St Anthony

Pictures are from today, video is from last weekend. On the way back from the St Anthony last weekend, I found this tiny yet very lively antler coral head in the middle of the halimeda grass. Of course I did not have my camera, as it was the third dive of the day and the […]

Dive Blog

Back Wall & Aloha Reef

Enjoy the photos.

Dive Blog

Marty’s Reef 10-21-2023

Keeping this brief due to an injury to my right arm and hand making it painful to type with my right hand. Enjoy the photos.

Dive Blog

Makena Landing x2

New things I haven’t seen or gotten a picture of before: Warty Sea Cucumber, Sphinx Phyllidia, Crowned Toby, and Reticulated Brittle Star.

Dive Blog

Ulua Murky Day

I needed to get wet, so without checking on conditions, got a tank and jumped in at Ulua beach. And boy was the water murky! I did recall that some waves had come through, stirring things up. I still had a great dive, and thankfully brought my macros lens because wide angle was ugly. 🙂

Dive Blog

Anthias Rock

It may seem like I missed a couple of weekend days of diving, but I just dove a couple of days without my camera so I could put my new scooter through its paces. I wanted to check continuous runtime at the various speeds, so I didn’t want to stop and take pictures, so I […]