Dive Blog Socorro Trips

Cabo san Lucas – Whale’s Head and North Wall – Feb 23, 2023

Back in Cabo san Lucas with a day to kill, so I might as well dive again. If you are not a partier, there is nothing to do here on land but eat and sleep, best I can tell. So I went out with SeeCreatures again, the sister company for the Nautilus live aboard company. […]

Dive Blog Socorro Trips

The Boiler – Feb 20, 2023

For our last day of diving, we went to The Boiler, a submerged seamount that is just off San Benedicto Island. This again is supposed to be the place for the giant Mantas, and it did not disappoint. For these dives I used the SportDiver housing with the 2500 and 5000+ lights.

Dive Blog Socorro Trips

Roca Partida – Feb 19, 2023

Roca Partida is a small “parted rock” covered in guano that juts up from the deep ocean floor. Due to many boats around the small area, we could only do 3 dives here so as to not over stress the small environment. This was supposed to be the place for multiple Manta Rays, but I […]

Dive Blog Socorro Trips

Socorro Island – Feb 17-18, 2023

The second stop on the trip was Socorro Island, the biggest island and the only active volcanic island in the archipelago currently. We spent 2 days here at two different sites: Cabo Pearce and Punta Tosca, and did a total of 7 dives. This is where we started to see the giant Manta Rays. There […]

Dive Blog Socorro Trips

San Benedicto Island – Feb 16, 2023

On February 16th, we arrived at San Benedicto Island in the Revillagigedo Archipelago after a 24 hour boat journey from Cabo San Lucas, Baja Sur, Mexico. The crossing was not too bad for me, but a few folks got seasick. The night sky on the open ocean was, as expected, spectacular. The boat is the […]

Dive Blog Socorro Trips

Cabo San Lucas – The Corridor and Land’s End – Feb 14, 2023

2nd day of local diving in Cabo San Lucas. Brr. The water is cold here. Had some great Humpback Whale viewing from the boat (no pics). I used the SportDiver housing on this dive with 2500 and 5000+ lights.

Dive Blog Socorro Trips

Cabo San Lucas – Pelican Rock and Land’s End – Feb 13, 2023

So a break from Maui diving. I am heading out on a live aboard trip to Socorro Island, Mexico, with the Nautilus Belle Amie. I leave this evening, Tuesday Feb 14. But I arrived in Cabo on Sunday, so I had a couple of days to dive locally in Cabo, and I have an hour […]

Dive Blog

Coral Gardens – Ben Gunn and Kim’s Cove(?)

Second site was called Kim’s something… anyway… Awesome day!!!! Went with Maui Dreams Dive Company’s boat, the Maui Diamond. Molokini was blown out due to 30 knot northeast winds, so we went to Coral Gardens, the name I use for the whole area along the Pali west of Ma’alaea Harbor. At the first site we […]